Simon Anholt: Which country does the most good for the world?

Recorded atJune 23, 2014
EventTEDSalon Berlin 2014
Duration (min:sec)17:35
Video TypeTED Stage Talk
Words per minute211.13 very fast
Readability (FK)56.06 medium
SpeakerSimon Anholt
CountryUnited Kingdom
DescriptionIndependent Policy Advisor, Author

Official TED page for this talk


It's an unexpected side effect of globalization: problems that once would have stayed local—say, a bank lending out too much money—now have consequences worldwide. But still, countries operate independently, as if alone on the planet. Policy advisor Simon Anholt has dreamed up an unusual scale to get governments thinking outwardly: The Good Country Index. In a riveting and funny talk, he answers the question, "Which country does the most good?" The answer may surprise you (especially if you live in the US or China).

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100:12 I've been thinking a lot about the world recently
200:16 and how it's changed over the last 20, 30, 40 years.
300:19 Twenty or 30 years ago,
400:22 if a chicken caught a cold and sneezed and died
500:24 in a remote village in East Asia,
600:26 it would have been a tragedy for the chicken
700:29 and its closest relatives,
800:30 but I don't think there was much possibility
900:32 of us fearing a global pandemic
1000:35 and the deaths of millions.
1100:37 Twenty or 30 years ago, if a bank in North America
1200:39 lent too much money to some people
1300:41 who couldn't afford to pay it back
1400:43 and the bank went bust,
1500:45 that was bad for the lender
1600:46 and bad for the borrower,
1700:48 but we didn't imagine it would bring
1800:50 the global economic system to its knees
1900:52 for nearly a decade.
2000:55 This is globalization.
2100:56 This is the miracle that has enabled us
2200:59 to transship our bodies and our minds
2301:02 and our words and our pictures and our ideas
2401:04 and our teaching and our learning around the planet
2501:07 ever faster and ever cheaper.
2601:10 It's brought a lot of bad stuff,
2701:12 like the stuff that I just described,
2801:14 but it's also brought a lot of good stuff.
2901:16 A lot of us are not aware
3001:18 of the extraordinary successes of the Millennium Development Goals,
3101:22 several of which have achieved their targets
3201:24 long before the due date.
3301:25 That proves that this species of humanity
3401:28 is capable of achieving extraordinary progress
3501:31 if it really acts together and it really tries hard.
3601:36 But if I had to put it in a nutshell these days,
3701:38 I sort of feel that globalization
3801:41 has taken us by surprise,
3901:43 and we've been slow to respond to it.
4001:45 If you look at the downside of globalization,
4101:48 it really does seem to be sometimes overwhelming.
4201:51 All of the grand challenges that we face today,
4301:53 like climate change and human rights
4401:56 and demographics and terrorism and pandemics
4502:00 and narco-trafficking and human slavery
4602:03 and species loss, I could go on,
4702:06 we're not making an awful lot of progress
4802:08 against an awful lot of those challenges.
4902:10 So in a nutshell, that's the challenge
5002:12 that we all face today
5102:13 at this interesting point in history.
5202:16 That's clearly what we've got to do next.
5302:18 We've somehow got to get our act together
5402:21 and we've got to figure out how to globalize
5502:23 the solutions better
5602:25 so that we don't simply become a species
5702:27 which is the victim of the globalization of problems.
5802:32 Why are we so slow at achieving these advances?
5902:36 What's the reason for it?
6002:38 Well, there are, of course, a number of reasons,
6102:40 but perhaps the primary reason
6202:42 is because we're still organized as a species
6302:46 in the same way that we were organized
6402:47 200 or 300 years ago.
6502:50 There's one superpower left on the planet
6602:52 and that is the seven billion people,
6702:54 the seven billion of us who cause all these problems,
6802:56 the same seven billion, by the way,
6902:58 who will resolve them all.
7003:00 But how are those seven billion organized?
7103:02 They're still organized in 200 or so nation-states,
7203:06 and the nations have governments
7303:08 that make rules
7403:10 and cause us to behave in certain ways.
7503:13 And that's a pretty efficient system,
7603:15 but the problem is that the way that those laws are made
7703:18 and the way those governments think
7803:21 is absolutely wrong for the solution of global problems,
7903:23 because it all looks inwards.
8003:26 The politicians that we elect
8103:27 and the politicians we don't elect, on the whole,
8203:30 have minds that microscope.
8303:31 They don't have minds that telescope.
8403:34 They look in. They pretend, they behave,
8503:37 as if they believed that every country was an island
8603:42 that existed quite happily, independently
8703:44 of all the others
8803:45 on its own little planet
8903:47 in its own little solar system.
9003:49 This is the problem:
9103:51 countries competing against each other,
9203:53 countries fighting against each other.
9303:55 This week, as any week you care to look at,
9403:56 you'll find people actually trying to kill each other from country to country,
9504:00 but even when that's not going on,
9604:02 there's competition between countries,
9704:04 each one trying to shaft the next.
9804:06 This is clearly not a good arrangement.
9904:08 We clearly need to change it.
10004:10 We clearly need to find ways
10104:12 of encouraging countries to start working together
10204:15 a little bit better.
10304:17 And why won't they do that?
10404:19 Why is it that our leaders still persist in looking inwards?
10504:23 Well, the first and most obvious reason
10604:25 is because that's what we ask them to do.
10704:27 That's what we tell them to do.
10804:28 When we elect governments
10904:30 or when we tolerate unelected governments,
11004:32 we're effectively telling them that what we want
11104:35 is for them to deliver us in our country
11204:37 a certain number of things.
11304:39 We want them to deliver prosperity,
11404:42 growth, competitiveness, transparency, justice
11504:47 and all of those things.
11604:48 So unless we start asking our governments
11704:51 to think outside a little bit,
11804:53 to consider the global problems that will finish us all
11904:55 if we don't start considering them,
12004:57 then we can hardly blame them
12105:00 if what they carry on doing is looking inwards,
12205:02 if they still have minds that microscope
12305:04 rather than minds that telescope.
12405:06 That's the first reason why things tend not to change.
12505:09 The second reason is that these governments,
12605:12 just like all the rest of us,
12705:14 are cultural psychopaths.
12805:17 I don't mean to be rude,
12905:18 but you know what a psychopath is.
13005:20 A psychopath is a person who,
13105:21 unfortunately for him or her,
13205:23 lacks the ability to really empathize
13305:25 with other human beings.
13405:27 When they look around,
13505:28 they don't see other human beings
13605:29 with deep, rich, three-dimensional personal lives
13705:33 and aims and ambitions.
13805:34 What they see is cardboard cutouts,
13905:37 and it's very sad and it's very lonely,
14005:39 and it's very rare, fortunately.
14105:42 But actually, aren't most of us
14205:45 not really so very good at empathy?
14305:47 Oh sure, we're very good at empathy
14405:49 when it's a question of dealing with people
14505:50 who kind of look like us
14605:52 and kind of walk and talk and eat and pray
14705:54 and wear like us,
14805:56 but when it comes to people who don't do that,
14905:58 who don't quite dress like us
15005:59 and don't quite pray like us
15106:01 and don't quite talk like us,
15206:04 do we not also have a tendency to see them
15306:06 ever so slightly as cardboard cutouts too?
15406:09 And this is a question we need to ask ourselves.
15506:11 I think constantly we have to monitor it.
15606:13 Are we and our politicians to a degree
15706:16 cultural psychopaths?
15806:19 The third reason is hardly worth mentioning
15906:20 because it's so silly,
16006:22 but there's a belief amongst governments
16106:24 that the domestic agenda
16206:25 and the international agenda
16306:27 are incompatible and always will be.
16406:29 This is just nonsense.
16506:31 In my day job, I'm a policy adviser.
16606:33 I've spent the last 15 years or so
16706:35 advising governments around the world,
16806:37 and in all of that time I have never once seen
16906:40 a single domestic policy issue
17006:42 that could not be more imaginatively,
17106:45 effectively and rapidly resolved
17206:48 than by treating it as an international problem,
17306:50 looking at the international context,
17406:52 comparing what others have done,
17506:54 bringing in others, working externally
17606:57 instead of working internally.
17707:00 And so you may say, well, given all of that,
17807:03 why then doesn't it work?
17907:05 Why can we not make our politicians change?
18007:07 Why can't we demand them?
18107:10 Well I, like a lot of us, spend a lot of time complaining
18207:13 about how hard it is to make people change,
18307:15 and I don't think we should fuss about it.
18407:17 I think we should just accept
18507:18 that we are an inherently conservative species.
18607:21 We don't like to change.
18707:23 It exists for very sensible evolutionary reasons.
18807:26 We probably wouldn't still be here today
18907:29 if we weren't so resistant to change.
19007:31 It's very simple: Many thousands of years ago,
19107:33 we discovered that if we carried on
19207:35 doing the same things, we wouldn't die,
19307:38 because the things that we've done before
19407:39 by definition didn't kill us,
19507:41 and therefore as long as we carry on doing them,
19607:43 we'll be okay,
19707:45 and it's very sensible not to do anything new,
19807:46 because it might kill you.
19907:49 But of course, there are exceptions to that.
20007:51 Otherwise, we'd never get anywhere.
20107:53 And one of the exceptions, the interesting exception,
20207:55 is when you can show to people
20307:57 that there might be some self-interest
20407:59 in them making that leap of faith
20508:01 and changing a little bit.
20608:03 So I've spent a lot of the last 10 or 15 years
20708:06 trying to find out what could be that self-interest
20808:09 that would encourage not just politicians
20908:11 but also businesses and general populations,
21008:13 all of us, to start to think a little more outwardly,
21108:16 to think in a bigger picture,
21208:19 not always to look inwards, sometimes to look outwards.
21308:22 And this is where I discovered
21408:24 something quite important.
21508:27 In 2005, I launched a study
21608:30 called the Nation Brands Index.
21708:33 What it is, it's a very large-scale study that polls
21808:35 a very large sample of the world's population,
21908:37 a sample that represents about 70 percent
22008:40 of the planet's population,
22108:43 and I started asking them a series of questions
22208:45 about how they perceive other countries.
22308:48 And the Nation Brands Index over the years
22408:50 has grown to be a very, very large database.
22508:52 It's about 200 billion data points
22608:55 tracking what ordinary people think about other countries
22708:57 and why.
22808:59 Why did I do this? Well, because the governments that I advise
22909:02 are very, very keen on knowing
23009:03 how they are regarded.
23109:05 They've known, partly because
23209:06 I've encouraged them to realize it,
23309:08 that countries depend
23409:10 enormously on their reputations
23509:11 in order to survive and prosper in the world.
23609:14 If a country has a great, positive image,
23709:17 like Germany has or Sweden or Switzerland,
23809:19 everything is easy and everything is cheap.
23909:21 You get more tourists. You get more investors.
24009:23 You sell your products more expensively.
24109:25 If, on the other hand, you have a country
24209:27 with a very weak or a very negative image,
24309:29 everything is difficult and everything is expensive.
24409:32 So governments care desperately
24509:34 about the image of their country,
24609:35 because it makes a direct difference
24709:37 to how much money they can make,
24809:39 and that's what they've promised their populations
24909:40 they're going to deliver.
25009:43 So a couple of years ago, I thought I would take
25109:45 some time out and speak to that gigantic database
25209:48 and ask it,
25309:50 why do some people prefer one country
25409:52 more than another?
25509:54 And the answer that the database gave me
25609:55 completely staggered me.
25709:57 It was 6.8.
25809:59 I haven't got time to explain in detail.
25910:01 Basically what it told me was —
26010:04 (Laughter) (Applause) —
26110:08 the kinds of countries we prefer are good countries.
26210:12 We don't admire countries primarily because they're rich,
26310:15 because they're powerful, because they're successful,
26410:17 because they're modern, because they're technologically advanced.
26510:20 We primarily admire countries that are good.
26610:23 What do we mean by good?
26710:25 We mean countries that seem to contribute
26810:26 something to the world in which we live,
26910:29 countries that actually make the world safer
27010:31 or better or richer or fairer.
27110:34 Those are the countries we like.
27210:35 This is a discovery of significant importance —
27310:38 you see where I'm going —
27410:39 because it squares the circle.
27510:41 I can now say, and often do, to any government,
27610:44 in order to do well, you need to do good.
27710:47 If you want to sell more products,
27810:48 if you want to get more investment,
27910:50 if you want to become more competitive,
28010:53 then you need to start behaving,
28110:55 because that's why people will respect you
28210:56 and do business with you,
28310:58 and therefore, the more you collaborate,
28411:01 the more competitive you become.
28511:04 This is quite an important discovery,
28611:06 and as soon as I discovered this,
28711:07 I felt another index coming on.
28811:09 I swear that as I get older, my ideas become simpler
28911:12 and more and more childish.
29011:13 This one is called the Good Country Index,
29111:17 and it does exactly what it says on the tin.
29211:21 It measures, or at least it tries to measure,
29311:23 exactly how much each country on Earth contributes
29411:26 not to its own population but to the rest of humanity.
29511:29 Bizarrely, nobody had ever thought
29611:31 of measuring this before.
29711:32 So my colleague Dr. Robert Govers and I have spent
29811:34 the best part of the last two years,
29911:36 with the help of a large number of very serious and clever people,
30011:40 cramming together all the reliable data in the world
30111:42 we could find about what countries give
30211:45 to the world.
30311:47 And you're waiting for me to tell you which one comes top.
30411:49 And I'm going to tell you,
30511:51 but first of all I want to tell you
30611:52 precisely what I mean
30711:55 when I say a good country.
30811:57 I do not mean morally good.
30911:59 When I say that Country X
31012:01 is the goodest country on Earth,
31112:03 and I mean goodest, I don't mean best.
31212:05 Best is something different.
31312:06 When you're talking about a good country,
31412:07 you can be good, gooder and goodest.
31512:09 It's not the same thing as good, better and best.
31612:13 This is a country which simply gives more
31712:15 to humanity than any other country.
31812:18 I don't talk about how they behave at home
31912:19 because that's measured elsewhere.
32012:22 And the winner is
32112:24 Ireland.
32212:26 (Applause)
32312:31 According to the data here,
32412:33 no country on Earth, per head of population,
32512:36 per dollar of GDP, contributes more
32612:39 to the world that we live in than Ireland.
32712:41 What does this mean?
32812:42 This means that as we go to sleep at night,
32912:44 all of us in the last 15 seconds before we drift off to sleep,
33012:47 our final thought should be,
33112:49 godammit, I'm glad that Ireland exists.
33212:51 (Laughter)
33312:54 And that — (Applause) —
33413:01 In the depths of a very severe economic recession,
33513:04 I think that there's a really important lesson there,
33613:06 that if you can remember your international obligations
33713:08 whilst you are trying to rebuild your own economy,
33813:10 that's really something.
33913:11 Finland ranks pretty much the same.
34013:13 The only reason why it's below Ireland
34113:14 is because its lowest score is lower than Ireland's lowest score.
34213:17 Now the other thing you'll notice about the top 10 there
34313:19 is, of course, they're all, apart from New Zealand,
34413:22 Western European nations.
34513:24 They're also all rich.
34613:25 This depressed me,
34713:27 because one of the things that I did not want
34813:29 to discover with this index
34913:30 is that it's purely the province of rich countries
35013:33 to help poor countries.
35113:34 This is not what it's all about.
35213:36 And indeed, if you look further down the list,
35313:37 I don't have the slide here, you will see
35413:40 something that made me very happy indeed,
35513:42 that Kenya is in the top 30,
35613:44 and that demonstrates one very, very important thing.
35713:47 This is not about money.
35813:49 This is about attitude.
35913:51 This is about culture.
36013:52 This is about a government and a people that care
36113:55 about the rest of the world
36213:57 and have the imagination and the courage
36313:59 to think outwards instead of only thinking selfishly.
36414:02 I'm going to whip through the other slides
36514:04 just so you can see some of the lower-lying countries.
36614:07 There's Germany at 13th, the U.S. comes 21st,
36714:10 Mexico comes 66th,
36814:12 and then we have some of the big developing countries,
36914:14 like Russia at 95th, China at 107th.
37014:17 Countries like China and Russia and India,
37114:20 which is down in the same part of the index,
37214:22 well, in some ways, it's not surprising.
37314:25 They've spent a great deal of time
37414:26 over the last decades building their own economy,
37514:29 building their own society and their own polity,
37614:31 but it is to be hoped
37714:33 that the second phase of their growth
37814:34 will be somewhat more outward-looking
37914:36 than the first phase has been so far.
38014:39 And then you can break down each country
38114:41 in terms of the actual datasets that build into it.
38214:44 I'll allow you to do that.
38314:45 From midnight tonight it's going to be on,
38414:48 and you can look at the country.
38514:49 You can look right down to the level of the individual datasets.
38614:53 Now that's the Good Country Index.
38714:55 What's it there for?
38814:56 Well, it's there really because I want to try
38914:59 to introduce this word,
39015:01 or reintroduce this word, into the discourse.
39115:05 I've had enough hearing about competitive countries.
39215:08 I've had enough hearing about
39315:09 prosperous, wealthy, fast-growing countries.
39415:13 I've even had enough hearing about happy countries
39515:16 because in the end that's still selfish.
39615:18 That's still about us,
39715:20 and if we carry on thinking about us,
39815:22 we are in deep, deep trouble.
39915:24 I think we all know what it is
40015:26 that we want to hear about.
40115:27 We want to hear about good countries,
40215:30 and so I want to ask you all a favor.
40315:34 I'm not asking a lot.
40415:35 It's something that you might find easy to do
40515:37 and you might even find enjoyable
40615:38 and even helpful to do,
40715:40 and that's simply to start using the word "good"
40815:43 in this context.
40915:45 When you think about your own country,
41015:47 when you think about other people's countries,
41115:49 when you think about companies,
41215:51 when you talk about the world that we live in today,
41315:53 start using that word
41415:55 in the way that I've talked about this evening.
41515:58 Not good, the opposite of bad,
41616:00 because that's an argument that never finishes.
41716:02 Good, the opposite of selfish,
41816:04 good being a country that thinks about all of us.
41916:08 That's what I would like you to do,
42016:09 and I'd like you to use it as a stick
42116:10 with which to beat your politicians.
42216:13 When you elect them, when you reelect them,
42316:15 when you vote for them, when you listen
42416:17 to what they're offering you,
42516:19 use that word, "good,"
42616:21 and ask yourself,
42716:23 "Is that what a good country would do?"
42816:25 And if the answer is no, be very suspicious.
42916:28 Ask yourself, is that the behavior
43016:30 of my country?
43116:32 Do I want to come from a country
43216:34 where the government, in my name,
43316:35 is doing things like that?
43416:37 Or do I, on the other hand,
43516:39 prefer the idea of walking around the world
43616:41 with my head held high thinking, "Yeah,
43716:43 I'm proud to come from a good country"?
43816:45 And everybody will welcome you.
43916:47 And everybody in the last 15 seconds
44016:49 before they drift off to sleep at night will say,
44116:52 "Gosh, I'm glad that person's country exists."
44216:55 Ultimately, that, I think,
44316:57 is what will make the change.
44416:58 That word, "good,"
44517:00 and the number 6.8
44617:02 and the discovery that's behind it
44717:04 have changed my life.
44817:06 I think they can change your life,
44917:08 and I think we can use it to change
45017:09 the way that our politicians and our companies behave,
45117:12 and in doing so, we can change the world.
45217:16 I've started thinking very differently about
45317:17 my own country since I've been thinking about these things.
45417:20 I used to think that I wanted to live in a rich country,
45517:22 and then I started thinking I wanted to live in a happy country,
45617:25 but I began to realize, it's not enough.
45717:27 I don't want to live in a rich country.
45817:29 I don't want to live in a fast-growing
45917:31 or competitive country.
46017:34 I want to live in a good country,
46117:37 and I so, so hope that you do too.
46217:40 Thank you.
46317:43 (Applause)